


Lacerations services offered in Moreno Valley, CA

Lacerations break the skin and usually come from sharp objects. Stopping the bleeding is vital, but it’s also important to avoid infection. The team at Heacock Urgent Care in Moreno Valley, California, is prepared to clean and care for your laceration to facilitate easy and effective healing. Call Heacock Urgent Care, schedule an appointment online, or walk in for immediate laceration care today.

Lacerations Q&A

What are lacerations?

Lacerations, or cuts, are skin wounds that tear your flesh. They typically come from sharp or pointed objects that tear through the skin without removing any of it. 


Most lacerations bleed right away. Depending on how deep the cut is, you might be able to see underlying fat, muscle, or even bone through the blood. 


Depending on the object that caused the laceration, you may need to get a tetanus booster to avoid tetanus, which is a severe bacterial infection that can affect wounds. It causes neurological symptoms like lockjaw and muscle spasms.

How can I manage a laceration with first aid?


First aid involves methods of managing a laceration injury right after it happens. The first aid you give your wound could help you avoid complications such as infections, which make lacerations more complicated to treat. 


Shortly after you get a laceration, you should:


  • Apply pressure to the wound
  • Clean the wound with gentle soap and water
  • Cover the wound with sterile gauze if you have some
  • Elevate the laceration to minimize bleeding and swelling


You can then go to Heacock Urgent Care at any time to receive professional treatment and wound care. The team examines the injury to determine the best course of treatment. 

How are lacerations treated?


The team at Heacock Urgent Care provides treatment for lacerations to facilitate healing and keep infections away. The team may initially administer numbing medication to reduce the pain, which can come in the form of injections or topical products. 


The team then provides wound care by cleaning the laceration thoroughly. They irrigate the laceration with a saline rinse and may use soap and water before they decide how to repair the wound. 


The team examines the wound’s depth and severity while deciding how to close it. Medical adhesive tapes can close smaller lacerations, while deeper wounds require stitches or sutures. The team may also use pressure bandages or splints to hold your wound together and help it heal.


Depending on the treatment you get, you might need to come back to Heacock Urgent Care for a follow-up. The team removes any non-dissolvable stitches and makes sure the wound has no signs of an infection. 


Call Heacock Urgent Care, schedule an appointment online, or walk in right away to treat a laceration today.